NBGA discusses traditional and voluntary benefit options in a one-on-one environment, not group meetings. Our highly trained and licensed counselors help employees make better benefit choices for themselves, their family, and their company. During these sessions, our benefit counselors are able to discuss an individual’s private health and financial concerns, and to make personalized recommendations that address the specific needs of each employee.
NBGA one-on-one benefits meetings will help employees better understand the policy details, feel confident in their choices, and will explain the value of employer provided funding made on their behalf. Overwhelmingly preferred by employees, these one-on-one enrollment sessions can be conducted in person or through our Call Center.

NBGA Educational Assistance Helps Employees by:
- Helping them understand the details of each policy and how it can help them
- Making educated benefit choices
- Helping them feel better about their benefit choices
- Educating them about a consumer-driven healthcare market
- Saving them time and money
- Explaining pre-tax benefits
- Eliminating insurance policy confusion
- Providing accurate plan enrollment
NBGA Educational Assistance Helps Employers by:
- Handling the details of enrollment with highly trained licensed benefit counselors that care
- Improving the overall benefits selection and enrollment process
- Increasing employer appreciation by explaining the cost of employer provided benefits and company funding made on the employee’s behalf
- Ensuring each employee receives a consistent and complete message during their enrollment session
- Saving money with increased participation in pre-tax benefits, proper plan utilization and reductions in FICA contributions
- Never charging for annual enrollment services
- Encouraging employees to engage in employer wellness initiatives, helping to improve participation and driving costs down
- Verifying documentation to prevent employees from adding ineligible dependents to a plan
- Starting each enrollment session with at least one day of NBGA team training dedicated to the specifics of a company’s circumstances, plans, culture, expectations, concerns, technology, and logistics
NBGA Provides Additional Value Added Client Support With…
- DETAILED BENEFITS STATEMENTS that will educate employees about their “hidden paycheck” and the costs associated with providing benefits.
- DEPENDENT AUDITS to help stabilize healthcare costs, NBGA helps you eliminate ineligible dependents on your medical, dental, and vision plans.
- BENEFIT ENROLLMENT GUIDES are a valuable tool that provides information (not just data) to the employee during the open enrollment period and throughout the plan year.